Energy Resources Compliance

The City of Mesa’s Energy Resources Department includes both gas and electric utilities. We offer classroom training, support outside vendor training, and participate with other groups and utilities to provide training in utility safety and response to Contractors, Emergency Responders, Public Officials, and our communities.

The Damage Prevention and Traffic Safety training is ongoing and available online. Employees can register themselves or can be registered by a company proxy. If a company proxy is used,  they must also register to gain access to the training materials and tests. The proxy will then be responsible for administering the training materials and tests to employees and submitting them via email upon completion. 

If you have further questions, please contact us at  480-644-4552 or

Upcoming Classes

Class Information Seats Remaining
Online: Damage Prevention & Traffic Safety Training

This online training program is designed for anyone performing excavation, boring, blasting, tunneli...

108 seats remaining